The instructions that we printed from their website said i have to drive from Manila to the South Luzon Expressway, then take the Batangas, Lucena, Legaspi Exit & then head towards Sto. Tomas. Upon reaching Sto. Tomas turn right to the Star Toll Way Entrance and then drive all the way to Lipa City and exit at Tambo before driving all the way to Lipa. Upon reaching Lipa, its chibugan time muna so we stopped at Lipa Grill to have a late lunch.

After a quick bite and the usual digitalan (kodakan is passe for your information) we drove towards Padre Garcia and headed straight to Rosario. At the Intersection we turned left (Tricycle Terminal) at Gualberto Ave. to San Juan and from there we turned right after passing San Juan (Municipal Hall) to Laiya. After driving some more 22 kms we reached our destination.

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