It's been a bumpy ride from our office to the private resort we rented on that friday afternoon. Upon reaching the place, my libido was put on cold water because the said resort was very very ugly (at least in my own opinion) and the staff were very very lazy. So if you have nothing to tell good about something bad i'd rather keep my mouth shut. I'd rather talk about the craze of the generation, which is computer (what??? really is there such a thing as computer this days). How can you not miss your favorite tv show while tinkering on your keyboard and e-mailing your friends. One time i was playing my guitar while downloading cocojams complete album on imeem (yes you can, with some tweaking) and waiting for my skype cyber sex mate to call me online. That's what you call multi tasking and yes multi tasking is not about a good pill on your right hand and a bottle of ice cold beer on your left hand. It's freakin' geek time now, the hippies today are the undefeated counter strike players and friendster fanatics. Gone are the days of sex, drugs and rock and roll. This is the generation of Macs and Gates. How 'bout the resort we've rented on that friday afternoon? Oh i rather spend my night on sex, drugs and rock and roll.
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