Reunion [noun]- a meeting of people who have not met for some time. A gathering of relatives, friends. The time to splurge and forget about the diet.
That was what happened last night, December 22, 2007. The boys had an orgy of eating and drinking at our favorite place-Coyote's. They were the first to come, like SNY and Chikong (Ipe to us). I came a little bit late (pun intended), bringing with me my share of the healthy food like pig's head boiled to perfection and ready to eat a la tokwa't baboy style and some tasty and very salty adobo chicken feet and head.
While waiting for the others to come (pun intended again if your a sexist), we put in a large casserole the goat's head and feet courtouesy, courtosy, courtesy, ah basta its Bulldogs share. From out of nowhere, Serio the serious guy arrived. He's an authority when it comes to cooking especially goat's meat, because masarap siyang magluto period.
While waiting for the goat to be cooked, we started opening ice cold beer. Then the rest of the boys came, Ferdie, our friend from the old days, Bulldog and Jun D (the drug dealer par exelance).
Now that the boys are complete, what do you expect? First the usual kamustahan and the secret handshake (but no we're not a member of any gang or brotherhood-lum). Then the coded un-decipered whisper on who's got the thing, courtesy of chelsea drug store.
After which pandemonium broke out. Every body is eating, drinking and talking at the same time except for Jun D who is stoned busy listening to Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze.
Before we knew it, it was almost midnight again, so the serious guy gave us a very hot and delicious soup of the night, the sinigang na ulo ng kambing.
At the final stroke of midnight, i bade them goodbye after giving them the secret handshake, then rushed to my service vehicle afraid that my fairy godmother turned my service vehicle again into a pumpkin, mice, rat and lizard. Forget about my glass slipper, i have many of them in mahouse. YO!!!