Sunday, September 20, 2009

what's the use of getting sober...when you're gonna get drunk today

How can you say no to friends from the old days, when they are inviting you for a bottle or two? For me, I don't say no for two reasons 1.) I love seeing old friends, and 2. )The ice cold bottle (or two is free. To show my respect to my loyal friends, I ordered a tuna belly and some tuna cubes (we made it sashimi style pica pica). The tuna belly was deep fried for only five minutes before we put butter on top of it-and the result? Tuna-belly-eating piranhas attacked it in seconds. Whattanight. Oops, but the next morning, one of our friends were looking for his wallet. He lost it daw on his way home. Not a very big deal, but somehow, someone's gonna be richer by six thousand on that day. You lucky guy, isoli mo yan at may karma yan, kung sino ka mang hindoropot ka.